GHL Setup
Snapshot Setup Checklist
Each item represents a crucial aspect of preparing the snapshot for deployment. Reviewing these items ensures
you understand the scope of work required and can allocate resources accordingly.
Mandatory |
Important |
Optional |
Choose Funnels to Include
- Select provided funnel templates or use your own. Add opt-in forms for customization.
- Module: B-011. Lead Form Automations
- Detailed instructions here.
Create Offer Workflow
- Set up a workflow for referral offer redemption. Use the ‘Referral Offer Redeemed’ tag to stop follow-ups.
- Module: B-016. Referral Automations
- Detailed instructions here.
Customize Follow-Up Message Templates
- Review and adjust message templates to suit your niche and CTAs. Customize workflows: EMAIL-01, SMS-01, etc.
- Module: B-011. Lead Form Automations
- Detailed instructions here.
Edit Message Templates
- Complete email and SMS templates for nurture workflows. Add a wait step of 9999 days after the last template if left blank.
- Module: B-002. Generic Nurture
- Detailed instructions here.
Select Default Country Holiday
- Choose a default country for holiday dates if the country field is empty.
- Module: B-013. Seasonal Communication
- Detailed instructions here.
Edit Email Templates
- Customize holiday messages in the Email Builder. Adjust workflows: EB. 01 – Happy New Year, EB. 12 – Happy Holidays, etc.
- Module: B-013. Seasonal Communication
- Detailed instructions here.
Customize Holiday Names/Dates
- Adjust holiday names and dates for specific cadences. Review workflows: Reset Holiday Names/Dates based on country.
- Module: B-013. Seasonal Communication
- Detailed instructions here.
Link Tree Social Links
- Edit social media links on the Link Tree funnel page. Customize as needed.
- Module: B-017. Link Tree
- Detailed instructions here.
Complete these setup steps to ensure your snapshot operates effectively and meets your business needs.
Snapshot Onboarding Checklist
Each action step serves a specific purpose, from establishing essential connections to customizing workflows tailored to your clients’ requirements. By adhering to these guidelines, you can maximize the potential of the Small Business Snapshot, optimize client experiences, and propel your business toward success.
Mandatory | Important | Optional
If you are skipping any modules, you can also skip it’s onboarding steps.
Add the Small Business Snapshot to your account:
Add the Small Business Snapshot to your account for easy deployment and access to essential features.
Fill out Custom Values Manually:
Open your subaccount settings, and navigate to the custom values tab
Fill in each value accordingly
Add copy for Database Reactivation SMS, Custom Values:
Fill out custom values for Database Reactivation messages to personalize outreach efforts and maximize effectiveness.
Module: B-004. Database Reactivation
Enable or disable Auto Text back automation for positive DR messages:
Choose whether to enable auto text back automation for positive Database Reactivation messages to streamline communication with leads.
Module: B-004. Database Reactivation
Add voicemail recording to workflow:
Customize voicemail messages within workflows to provide a professional and informative experience for callers.
Module: B-006. Request A Callback
Assign a user within APPT canceled workflow:
Assign a user within the APPT canceled workflow to manage follow-up tasks effectively and ensure seamless communication.
Module: B-007. Calendar Automations
Assign users to calendars:
Add team members to calendars to facilitate scheduling and ensure proper distribution of tasks.
Module: B-007. Calendar Automations
Decide if calendars book a phone call or a virtual meeting link:
Determine whether calendars book phone calls or virtual meetings and adjust workflows accordingly to reflect your preference.
Module: B-007. Calendar Automations
Draft unused call status workflows (if meetings do not use phone calls):
Draft call status workflows if your meetings do not involve phone calls, ensuring your workflows align with your business processes.
Module: B-007. Calendar Automations
Add ‘assign to user’ action for new referral leads:
Assign a user to the workflow handling new referral leads to facilitate prompt follow-up and engagement.
Module: B-016. Referral Automations
Edit Referral Offer message templates:
Customize referral message templates to match your niche’s offerings and provide a personalized experience for your clients.
Module: B-016. Referral Automations
Custom Values for Link Tree Pages:
Utilize custom values to control the content of Link Tree Funnel pages, allowing for easy updates without directly editing the funnel.
Module: B-017. Link Tree
By following these action steps and explanations, you can effectively onboard clients and optimize your High Level account for your specific business needs.